About ME

I’m Sabrina Petersen, a content writer & marketer.

I couldn’t have been much more than five or six when I wrote my first stories. They started out as scribbled words on construction paper but soon became elaborate chapters typed out on a big desktop computer—in colorful fonts, of course!

Little did I know that writing would become central to my journey.

After college, I began writing and editing for a magazine that reached out to people asking spiritual questions. That one opportunity opened many more and eventually led me to discover the power of story in marketing.

I took courses in the StoryBrand framework where I learned that people relate best to stories, especially when it’s about them and the problems they’re trying to solve. 

From there, I began working as a content marketer for a marketing agency, writing and editing articles, lead generators, and social media posts for both businesses and non-profit ministries.  

Don’t let anything get in the way of your mesage.

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